Monday, January 27, 2014

From Crawl to Stand to Walk

Just over 1 year ago, I took that big leap of faith and entered the realm of self-employment - thus introducing Renatta Emerson Events to the world.

I'm likening that first year to a child's progression from crawling to beginning to stand her own. There was a tremendous amount of learning, discovery of the world and discovery of myself. It was exciting and - like standing on weak, wobbly legs - it was terrifying. Yet, by the end of 2013, I'd taken my first steps.

This year I will walk.

That means several things:

  1. Actively seeking and strengthening relationships. Not only do our relationships make what we do worthwhile, they strengthen and enable us to do what we do. But only a baby can expect the people they need to come to them. A mature adult goes and seeks out those relationships.
  2. Defining the brand. Also like a child, a company will grown into its own identity, separate from that of the parent. The goal is to realize and communicate that identity with consistency. In 2014, that will mean a new company name, logo and website, which will all reflect this emerging identity.
  3. Strategically building visibility. One of my desires for even starting this business was to benefit the workplaces and communities around me. In order to do that, my company needs to be visible and recognizable.

I'm so excited for what this year holds. Stay tuned for more announcements and discovery.

Walk with me.
