Friday, February 15, 2013

Creating the Right Atmosphere

Photo credit: GBK

Whether your event is a company party for a staff of 12 or a formal appreciation dinner for hundreds, creating the right atmosphere at your event is key.

What Is Atmosphere?
Atmosphere literally refers to the air in any particular place. That means it exists everywhere, whether you think about it or not. The same is true with events and gatherings. Atmosphere will be there, but you want to have a say in what it feels like and how it contributes to the goals of your event. Characteristics which can be perceived by the senses are what make up the atmosphere at a gathering. However, aside from sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures, things like emotions and attitudes can also be sensed and therefore also contribute to the "air" of your event.

Why Is it important?
Have you ever walked into a meeting or a room and immediately felt like you needed to leave that room? The atmosphere in that place directly affected your desire to be there. It might have felt tense or too crowded or too dark, or worse yet perhaps the feel was simply inappropriate for the type of event that was going on. Now imagine staying in that environment for a duration of time. Even if good food and entertainment are provided, you might struggle to have a good time or you may be distracted from the message because the atmosphere is wrong. And just think: if you feel that way, how many others do as well?

If you're putting on a meeting or event, you want your guests to feel like they want to be there and that it's easy for them to focus and enjoy themselves.

How do you create the right atmosphere?
I mentioned earlier that atmosphere takes its queue from what the senses perceive, so you want your event space to engage the senses. First and foremost, understand the purpose and goal for the event and find what enhances those things. If you're working on a meeting that takes place over many hours, choose colors and textures that promote both comfort and alertness. For a decadent evening affair, use lighting and fabrics that invoke the feeling of luxury. 

Here are some areas to keep in mind when crafting the right atmosphere for your event:
  • decor
  • music
  • lighting
  • smell (via food, plants or candles)
  • texture/fabric

A final factor...
The last key factor that contributes to atmosphere is people. And while - in certain circumstances - you might be able to control the guest list, in many cases you cannot control individual attitudes. What you can do is identify key people and make them part of your plan. Find the folks who will naturally lead the crowd. Get them on board with the type of atmosphere you are trying to create. Then let them do their thing.

What are some instances of a bad atmosphere that you've encountered? How did it affect your experience at that event?

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