Wednesday, July 24, 2013

4 Ways to Engage Your Employees

Countless studies are showing that disengaged employees have a direct impact on the bottom line of the companies they work for. So what do you do to keep your employees engaged and motivated to do their best at what you’ve hired them to do?

Engagement has been defined as a persistent state of work fulfillment. That fulfillment shows up as excellent customer service, fewer sick days, innovative ideas and higher revenue. A fulfilled and therefore engaged employee will want to work for you, they will buy into your company’s mission and values and they’ll be great ambassadors for your brand. That’s the why, now for the how.

Ways to engage & motivate your employees

Employees want open-mindedness and opportunities to be innovative, so involve them in the purpose and strategy planning of the business whenever possible. Ask your team members for their opinions, harness their ideas and then make a point to actually implement the good ideas. Allow your employees to have a voice and let them know their voice matters. 

Foster Relationships: 
Get to know your employees and give them an opportunity to get to know their coworkers and managers. Create events where they can spend time with other employees. Are your leaders accessible and visible throughout the organization? If so, make sure your team knows this. If not, they should be. Above all, show dignity and respect for the individual beings that make up your staff.

Career Opportunities:
Nearly everyone has a personal goal that they are working towards and many view their jobs as an avenue to reach that goal. Allow room for personal and professional growth among your team. Find ways to assign leadership roles (even if only temporarily) and mentor everyone.

Every human being desires recognition. Be sure to incorporate ways to acknowledge and celebrate both team and individual achievements in a meaningful way. In a 2008 survey, 55% of employees said that some sort of occasional praise or attention would make them feel the company cared about them & their well-being.

How does your company fare when it comes to employee engagement? In what areas could you use improvement? To learn more about a custom employee engagement package for your company contact Renatta Emerson Events by calling 206.92.EVENT or email

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